
Upcoming Events
We hold monthly membership meetings open to the public. The best way to keep up with our events is to follow us on Facebook:
Past Events
Public/Membership Meeting
Thurs May 18, 2017 | 7:00-8:30pm | BHNC 515 Cortland
Public/Membership Meeting
Thurs April 20, 2017 | 7:00-8:30pm | BHNC 515 Cortland
Public/Membership Meeting
Thurs March 16, 2017 | 7:00-8:30pm | BHNC 515 Cortland
Updates on BayResistance, immigrant legal defense, District 9 happenings, and more ways to get involved. Come and share your ideas.
The event is free, all are welcome.
Islamic Center of SF and BHDC Open House
Sat January 14, 2017 | 3-5pm | Must RSVP to attend (link below)
JOIN US for an Open House on Saturday, January 14th from 3-5pm organized by the Islamic Center of San Francisco and the Bernal Heights Democratic Club held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center.
- Are you concerned about the rise of Islamophobia after the recent election? Looking for positive, concrete actions you can do to show solidarity with our Muslim neighbors? Would you like to learn more about the Mosque in Bernal— The Islamic Center of San Francisco (ICSF)?
- We will gather at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center, share a meal cooked by members of the Islamic Center of SF, learn about the ICSF and have a Q&A session with an Islamic scholar, and work to build an alliance of mutual understanding and support so that we can all better respond to Islamophobia in our communities. Now, more than ever, it’s important to know our neighbors and build solidarity with one another.
- PLEASE RSVP here to attend: https:// islamic-center-of-sf-and-be rnal-heights-democratic-cl ub-open-house-tickets-3034 7040816
- Space is limited, please let us know if you can come by Jan 10th.
Annual Holiday Party and Club Elections
Fri January 6, 2017 | 6:30-8pm
Current and renewing members only. Please email us at for location (private residence of one of our members), if you didn't receive via mail or email.
- Come celebrate the New Year, schmooz with friends and allies, and build strength for a big year ahead. Please bring a potluck dish.
- Election for BHDC Executive Committee and Officers. Nominations are welcome to through December 21, 2016.
General Membership Meeting
Tues December 6, 2016 | 7-8:30pm
515 Cortland Avenue, San Francisco
Mobilizing to protect the values we hold dear. We stand together against xenophobia, islamophobia, misogyny, racism, homophobia, ablism, elitism. We need your voice at this important meeting. Get ready to fight back.
General Membership Meeting
Wed November 16, 2016 from 7-8pm
After the unimaginable horror of Tuesday, it is time to come together and map out our strategies. This meeting will be an open, participatory, brainstorming discussion to consider ways BHDC can be most effective. We urge you to join the conversation and get ready to fight back.
November Ballot Propositions Endorsements and General Membership Meeting
Tues September 13, 2016 at 6:30pm
515 Cortland Avenue, San Francisco
Post-Primary Debrief and November Look-Ahead
Tues August 6, 2016 at 6:30pm
515 Cortland Avenue, San Francisco
June Election Endorsement Meeting
Thurs April 14, 2016 at 6:30pm
515 Cortland Avenue, San Francisco
District 9 Supervisor, Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC), Presidential Primary Forum
Thurs March 10, 2016 at 6:30pm
515 Cortland Avenue, San Francisco