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Frustrated by the state of politics? Wish we had a stronger progressive movement? Want to meet and work with like-minded neighbors for social change? Want to have an impact in Bernal Heights, San Francisco, California, the world? And have fun doing it? Then join the Bernal Heights Democratic Club!
We have power. Here, in our neighborhood. And citywide. There’s a reason Bernal Heights, despite tremendous changes over the years, remains one of the most progressive communities in the most progressive city in the US. We’re part of that reason.
Bernal Heights Democratic Club is Bernal neighbors working toward a sustainable future; economic, racial, and social justice; and civil and human rights through active participation in the democratic process. Since 1988, we’ve fought together to keep Bernal Heights a multi-ethnic, economically diverse neighborhood. We’ve won some battles, and lost some, too. But we’ve enjoyed the fight, together.
We’ve played a key role in selecting our Supervisors for District 9 – Tom Ammiano, David Campos, Hillary Ronen. We plan on leading the effort to elect a new Supervisor in 2024. We’ve provided a place for collective decision-making on the issues that confront us and our neighbors – and led action to address those issues.
The Bernal Heights Democratic Club hosts regular meetings with invited speakers on hot topics – so far this year: mental health response, reparations for the African American community, public education, climate crisis, housing, and more. Around election time, we hold forums featuring candidates and representatives for ballot measures and invite our members to vote on the endorsements we share with the community. This year, we’ve launched a quarterly social meet-up – Politics & Pints – where folks can grab a beer and shoot the breeze with like-minded neighbors.
You’ve probably received a copy of the Bernal Dems Election Endorsement Card, dropped by a member-volunteer at your front door. You’ve seen your neighbors carry our card with them to the polls – and likely carried it yourself. We know from post-election data that our endorsements carry weight in Bernal, and we’re proud that this has helped keep Bernal a respected high-turnout progressive area.
2024 is going to be a big election year. The Club will host panels and info sessions, and there’ll be lots of discussions. Our neighbors will be looking to Bernal Heights Democratic Club for smart, informed, progressive endorsements. We need your voices.
So, check out this website, and follow us on Facebook or Instagram for updates on meetings.
If you have any questions, email us at bernalheightsdemclub@gmail. Let us know what issues and campaigns you’d like to work on. Swing by our next Politics & Pints. Join us at our regular monthly membership meetings. And please join us by clicking the link above.
Mission Statement
The Bernal Heights Democratic Club was organized to give the residents of Bernal Heights an effective voice in government through active participation in the electoral process. Our mission is to research vital issues and candidates and to educate and mobilize the community through various political actions, including precinct work, forums and slate card distribution. Through implementing our mission, we hope to maintain the economic and cultural diversity of this neighborhood and work to further economic and social justice for all residents.
Any person may apply for membership in the CLUB who:
- subscribes to the Statement of Purpose in our by-laws;
- pays membership dues in each calendar year; and
- is a registered California Democrat, or is not registered with any other party.
Voting Membership is limited to those who reside in Bernal Heights (as outlined in our by-laws). However, an affiliated membership is available to non-Bernal residents and organizations.
$10 Youth/ Low Income
$25 Regular Member
$35 Household Membership
$50 Sustaining Membership
$100 Sponsoring Membership

Photo by Thomas Hawk CC BY-NC 2.0